• February 11, 2025

By Balarabe Oshiafi

Dr. Henry Emeka Obidi, the Director of the film by Ambassador Isaac Izoya, did not mince words while dining with the white members of cast and crew of the soon-to-be-released movie – Karma.

“And so we are here on the dining table, on the set of Karma, produced by Isaac Izoya. On my right is Marie Cloos. She is eating pounded yam and vegetable and stew. And to my left is Mr Mathias. He is eating Fufu with stew and to the far left is Sophie who played Gina in Karma. She is savouring Pounded yam and vegetable soup”, he announced.

The footage made available to ExpressDay depicted that the white Thespians were really enjoying the Nigerian delicacies. So much so that Marie Cloos could be heard muttering,”This is very nice”.

What an acculturation!

When the Berlin West African conference took place in 1884 to scramble for and partition Africa to the exclusion of Africans, little did the colonialist know that in 2024 Isaac Izoya, a Nigerian will be steering vagaries towards the celebration of the cultural heritage of Africa in no other place than Germany.

Through diplomatic coercion, and strifes,  colonization was won. Now freely with cultural items of eba, pounded yam and film, Izoya is winning for Nigeria, nay Africa genuine attraction and patronage.

This writer has severally emphasized that the act of a Nigerian President traveling to the US or UK under the guise of wooing investors is cosmetic. Take a documentary on the Igue festival,for instance, and while there, give it to your host to broadcast to the citizenry is more like it.  No one will do business with you unless they know you. And the first step to knowing a person is the nativity. The handed down way of life. 

The life of an average ‘Oyinbo’ man or woman is culturally stereotypical. Hence they often get bored and fancy going on vacation to Nigeria, nay, Africa. Some visit other parts of the world.

Credit must go to Ehizoya Golden Entertainment for not only taking our film to the developed world but spicing it up with ‘Eba’ ‘Fufu’ and pounded yam.

Could it be Karma at work? 

The corollary is that Isaac Izoya has exorcised the descendants of the forebears that colonized our ancestors and watered the underdevelopment of Nigeria, nay Africa with Eba and pounded yam 

Check out how ‘Oyinbo People, in the footages of Karma are happily working on the set and location of a movie to promote, Nigerian, African culture. The passion is palpable. Indeed,the white man’s land, be it North America, Germany or continental Europe is God’s own place.. Yes. What I mean is Oyinbos Man’s land, as exemplified in Karma, is a land after God’s heart. Little wonder, God answers their prayers easily.

Conversely, in Nigeria and Africa, whereas we are so religious, we have not been able to muster accompanying godliness. The last time I checked, what we are only adept at doing is vociferous religious practices for personal aggrandizement and promotion of societal maladies.

This accounts for the ‘Japa phenomenon’ and the negative impact on local economy. The essence of Karma.

Isaac Izoya is a Cultural Ambassador. and Curator of Nollywood Film Festival Germany (NFFG) and Nollywood Europe Golden Awards (NEGA). He has been doing exploits with regards to exportation of our culture the past 9 years.  

Goaded by the successful 2024, awards and festival, Izoya also shot a film to address the raging human capital flight in Nigeria.

He needs the support and collaboration of the federal government.

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